The Gresham AIP V Feeder Fund is open for investments. A first close occurred in September 2022, with fundraising continuing in 2023-2024.


¹ Source: Antin Infrastructure Partners, ‘Fund V Introductory Presentation’, January 2024. As at November 2023, across all seven funds raised to date. Also includes co-investment capital raised to date as well as capital raised to date in Fund V which remains active in fundraising.
² Source: Antin Infrastructure Partners, ‘Fund V Introductory Presentation’, January 2024.  Across flagship funds: Fund I, Fund II, Fund III and Fund IV. Past performance is not necessarily indicative of future results.
³ Source: Antin Infrastructure Partners, ‘Fund V Introductory Presentation’, January 2024. As at January 2024. Realised across 16 exits to date from flagship funds. Gross IRR and Gross Multiple do not reflect management fees, carried interest, taxes, transaction costs in connection with the disposition of realised investments and other expenses borne or to be borne (or deemed borne) by investors in the Antin prior funds, which will reduce returns and, in the aggregate, are expected to be substantial. Net IRR and Net Multiples reflect management fees, carried interest, taxes (excluding individual investor taxes), transaction costs in connection with the disposition of realised investments and other expenses borne or to be borne (or deemed borne) by investors in the Antin prior funds.