The Gresham team comprises over 60 professionals with a wide variety of backgrounds operating across its advisory and investing businesses
James Graham AM formed the Gresham Partners Group in 1985. Charles Graham is the Chief Executive Officer of Gresham and is actively involved in all business units.

James Graham AM
Chairman, Sydney

+61 2 9224 0210
Aurora Place
Level 25
88 Phillip Street
Sydney NSW 2000 Australia
James Graham AM
Chairman, Sydney
James formed the Gresham Partners Group in 1985 and is Chairman of Gresham Partners Limited.
James holds a Bachelor of Engineering in Chemical Engineering from the University of Sydney and a Master of Business Administration from the University of New South Wales. He is a Fellow of the Australian Academy of Technological Sciences and Engineering, a Senior Fellow of FINSIA, a Fellow (EngExec) of the Institution of Engineers Australia and a Fellow of Australian Institute of Company Directors. James was previously Managing Director of Rothschild Australia Limited and a Director of Hill Samuel Australia Limited with experience in banking, corporate advice and funds management in Australia and the United Kingdom.
James is Chairman of Coles Group Limited and was a Director of Wesfarmers Limited from 1998 - 2018. In 2001, James was appointed non-executive Deputy Chairman and in 2002 Chairman of Rabobank Australia Limited, responsible for the Bank's operations in Australia and New Zealand. He retired from that position in March 2009. He was also Chairman of the Darling Harbour Authority between 1989 and 1995.
In 2008 James was made a member of the Order of Australia.
+61 2 9224 0210
Aurora Place
Level 25
88 Phillip Street
Sydney NSW 2000 Australia

Charles Graham
Managing Director, Sydney
Charles Graham
Managing Director, Sydney
Charles is Managing Director of Gresham. He is active across our advisory and investing businesses.
He has advised Gresham clients across a range of transactions including Woodside on its merger with BHP Petroleum, Newcrest Mining on its sale to Newmont Corporation, Platinum Equity on their acquisition of Jeld-Wen Australia, Commonwealth Bank on the sale of Equigroup, Bank of Queensland on the acquisition of Investec Bank Australia, Platinum Equity on their acquisition of a majority stake in Sensis from Telstra, Woodside on the partial unwind of the Shell shareholding, Resimac on the acquisition of RHG’s loan book, DUET on their internalisation of management from AMP and Macquarie and sale to CKI, KKR on the acquisition of Pepper Group, Ontario Teachers’ Pension Plan on the asset swap of a stake in Sydney Airport for interests in Brussels and Copenhagen Airports and advising Telstra’s Board on negotiations with the Australian Government and NBN Co.
Prior to joining Gresham, Charles was a Managing Director with Goldman, Sachs & Co. in New York. He had a significant role in transactions for clients including News Corporation, Time Warner, Nielsen, EMC Corporation, Intergraph, Philips, Dow Jones, and Warner Music.
Charles’ transaction experience spans across M&A and financings with a cumulative value of in excess of US$150 billion. Prior to Goldman, Sachs & Co., Charles worked for Rio Tinto at its aluminium operations, Comalco, in engineering and business development roles.
Charles holds Bachelor degrees in Engineering and Commerce from the University of Sydney where he was a Chancellor’s Scholar, a Masters degree in Information Technology from Deakin University, and an MBA from Harvard Business School.
Charles is a member of the Australian Institute of Company Directors.
Charles is a Chairman of Musica Viva Australia. He was previously Chapter Chair of YPO Sydney and President of the Harvard Club of Australia.
+61 2 9224 0210
Aurora Place
Level 25
88 Phillip Street
Sydney NSW 2000 Australia
Executive Operations
Lauren Magraith is responsible for the legal, compliance and operational functions of the Gresham Partners Group and Laura Ribeiro is the group Chief Financial Officer.

Lauren Magraith
Chief Business Officer & General Counsel, Sydney
Lauren Magraith
Chief Business Officer & General Counsel, Sydney
Lauren is the Chief Business Officer and General Counsel, and oversees the legal, compliance and operational functions of the Gresham Partners Group.
Prior to joining Gresham, Lauren was a partner in the corporate markets practice of global law firm Baker McKenzie (2015-2019) and has also worked in leading transactional practices at Herbert Smith Freehills (2012-2015) and King & Wood Mallesons (1999-2004). Lauren has extensive investment banking experience, having held the roles of associate general counsel of J.P. Morgan Chase, and Executive Director in J.P. Morgan’s equity capital markets team (2004-2012). Throughout her career, Lauren has acted on a wide variety of corporate finance, capital markets and public and private M&A transactions for a broad range of domestic and international clients, including several of Australia’s leading ASX100 companies, global investment banks and leading private equity firms.
Lauren holds a Bachelor of Arts from Macquarie University, a Bachelor of Laws (Honours Class I) from the University of Sydney and is a member of the Australian Institute of Company Directors.
+61 2 9224 0210
Aurora Place
Level 25
88 Phillip Street
Sydney NSW 2000 Australia

Laura Ribeiro
Chief Financial Officer, Sydney
Laura Ribeiro
Chief Financial Officer, Sydney
Laura is Chief Financial Officer and joined Gresham in 2021.
Laura is responsible for the finance and administration functions for Gresham Partners Group and its specialist funds. Prior to joining Gresham, Laura had been Head of Finance at MLC Wealth and Senior Manager Accounting Policy at NAB. Laura has extensive financial services experience with roles in Sydney and London and started her career with Ernst & Young.
Laura completed a Bachelor of Commerce (Honours) at Sydney University, is a qualified Chartered Accountant and Graduate of the Australian Institute of Company Directors.
+61 2 9224 0210
Aurora Place
Level 25
88 Phillip Street
Sydney NSW 2000 Australia
Corporate Advisory
Neville Spry and Bruce McLennan oversee a team of Corporate Advisory executives which is one of the largest and highest ranking in the Australian market.
Bruce McLennan
Managing Director and Co-Head of Advisory, Sydney
Bruce McLennan
Managing Director and Co-Head of Advisory, Sydney
Bruce is Managing Director and Co-Head of Gresham's Corporate Advisory business.
Bruce has been a part-time member of the Australian Government Takeovers Panel since 2016. Bruce is a CPA, a member of the Australian Institute of Company Directors, and a Fellow of the Financial Services Institute of Australia.
Bruce has over 38 years’ experience in investment banking. Prior to joining Gresham in 2006, Bruce was a Managing Director and Head of Mergers & Acquisitions at Merrill Lynch Australia (1997-2006), a partner at Centaurus Corporate Finance (1993-1997), and worked at Kleinwort Benson in Sydney and London (1985-1993).
Bruce has provided advice on mergers and acquisitions, and capital raisings (including equity, hybrid and debt) to several of Australia’s leading ASX100 companies including BHP, Newcrest, CSL, Telstra, NAB, ANZ, CBA, Lendlease, Stockland, Crown, Asciano, AMP, David Jones, Foster’s, North, MIM, Ten Network and Fairfax.
A selection of major transactions on which Bruce has advised includes:
- Newcrest on its $29bn takeover defence from Newmont;
- CSL on its $16.4bn takeover of Vifor Pharma, $6.3bn institutional equity placement (Australia’s largest), $750m equity share purchase plan and US$4bn Reg S Market 144A notes;
- Crown on its $10bn takeover defence from Blackstone;
- Invocare on its $2.2bn takeover defence from TPG;
- BHP on its $12bn demerger and ASX, JSE and London listing of South32;
- Telstra on the $2.9bn sale of 49% of Amplitel (mobile towers business) to Future Fund, Commonwealth Superannuation Corporation and Sunsuper, its US$1.85bn acquisition of Digicel Pacific, its T22 transformation and restructure, its proposals with the National Broadband Network, and on T3;
- Lendlease on numerous transactions such as the $180m sale of its engineering business to Acciona, $310m sale of its infrastructure services business to Service Stream, $1.4bn sale of a 75% interest in its retirement joint venture to Aware Super (50%) and APG (25%), its Barangaroo South and Milano Santa Giulia urban redevelopments, the takeover defence and refinancing of APPF its unlisted wholesale property funds, $300m sale of its aged care business to Archer Capital, and $2.5bn equity capital raisings via three placements and rights issues;
- Asciano on its $12bn takeover defence from the Qube and Brookfield consortiums;
- David Jones on its $2.3bn takeover defence from Woolworths of South Africa; and
- Foster’s on its $12.3bn takeover defence from SABMiller, and its $3bn demerger and ASX listing of Treasury Wine Estates.
+61 2 9224 0210
Aurora Place
Level 25
88 Phillip Street
Sydney NSW 2000 Australia
Neville Spry
Managing Director and Co-Head of Advisory, Sydney
+61 2 9224 0210
Aurora Place
Level 25
88 Phillip Street
Sydney NSW 2000 Australia
Neville Spry
Managing Director and Co-Head of Advisory, Sydney
Neville is Managing Director and Co-Head of Gresham's Corporate Advisory business.
Neville has over 30 years experience in corporate advisory activities and has provided advice to leading Australian and international companies in most industry sectors, including resources, agribusiness, wealth management, finance and banking, insurance, property, retail, health care, utilities and information technology.
These transactions include public markets transactions such as hostile and recommended takeover offers and defences and takeovers and mergers by scheme of arrangement; private treaty transactions such as business and asset divestments and acquisitions; and equity and debt capital raisings.
Recent examples of public markets transactions that Neville has led include Wesfarmers acquisition of Coles Group Limited, the demerger of Deterra by Iluka, Centennial Coal's acquisition of Austral Coal, PMP's merger with IPMG, Wesfarmers acquisition of API Limited and Silk Laser Clinics Limited, the sale of Stargames Limited to Shufflemaster Inc., and the takeover defence for Ridley Corporation Limited and the demerger of Coles Group Limited. In private treaty transactions, Neville has led teams advising on the divestment of Millers Self Storage by Security Capital European Realty, the divestment of Premier Coal, the divestment of the OAMPs and Crombie Lockwood insurance broking business to AJ Gallagher, the divestment of the Lumley and WFI insurance underwriting businesses to IAG Limited, the divestment of Witchery Group, the divestment of Active Utilities and Ramsay Health Care’s acquisition of Affinity Health. Neville has also provided advice on a number of significant fund raising transactions including the $5.1 billion recapitalisation of Prime Infrastructure, the $1.2bn EPA loan facility for Iluka, the $200 million hybrid raising for Valad Property Group and the $2.6 billion and $4.6 billion rights issues for Wesfarmers.
Prior to joining Gresham Partners, Neville was with Deloitte Haskins and Sells.
Neville completed a Bachelor of Economics at the University of South Australia and is also a graduate of the Executive Program run by Stanford University in conjunction with the National University of Singapore.
+61 2 9224 0210
Aurora Place
Level 25
88 Phillip Street
Sydney NSW 2000 Australia
Debt Advisory
Sebastien McKenna and Louise Donn lead a team with significant transaction experience across global capital markets
Sebastien McKenna
Managing Director and Co-Head of Debt Advisory, Sydney
Sebastien McKenna
Managing Director and Co-Head of Debt Advisory, Sydney
Sebastien is a Managing Director and founded the Gresham Debt Advisory in 2016. He is currently Co-Head of Gresham Debt Advisory.
Sebastien has more than 20 years of banking and finance experience. He has led an extensive number of advisory engagements for a range of Australian and international companies across a wide range of industries including agriculture, general industrials, energy and infrastructure, property, resources, retail, and technology. These engagements have included advice on capital structure, credit ratings, debt and equity raisings, and restructurings.
Sebastien has advisory and arranging experience on transactions with a cumulative value of more than $100 billion, with experience in both domestic and international markets, advising on and arranging capital in: the bank market in Australia, New Zealand, the United Kingdom and United States; capital markets including the AMTN, EMTN, Reg.S, US144A (investment grade and high yield), Retail Note (senior and subordinated), Convertible Notes and Hybrids, and US Term Loan; and structured funding markets including project and asset financing.
Sebastien’s recent major capital advisory transactions include:
- Brickworks on its capital structure review and $1.2bn optimisation of its banking arrangements and borrowing platform
- Coles on its capital structure, credit ratings, and inaugural ~$4bn debt financing;
- Computershare on multiple financings in the bank and capital markets, domestically and internationally, in excess of US$5bn;
- ElectraNet on capital structure review and ~$1.0bn refinancing;
- Kelsian on its capital structure and multiple bank and acquisition financings, domestically and internationally, in excess of $4bn;
- Lendlease on the capital structure, credit ratings, and ~$1.4bn refinancing of the Australian Prime Property Fund Retail;
- Perenti on its capital structure, multiple financings in the bank and capital markets;
- Perth Airport on its capital structure and multiple financings in the bank and capital markets;
- QIC on multiple financings for its portfolio companies including bank financings, capital markets issuances, and ratings advisory, as well as bid financings for proposed asset acquisitions;
- Qube on its capital structure, including most recently its inaugural credit ratings and Australian MTN issuance, as well as multiple bank and capital markets financings;
- Wesfarmers on its ~$3.5bn bank refinancing.
Prior to Gresham, Sebastien was at Grant Samuel where he was a Director and key member of the Capital Advisory team based in Sydney, and prior was with Commonwealth Bank of Australia.
+61 2 9224 0210
Aurora Place
Level 25
88 Phillip Street
Sydney NSW 2000 Australia
Louise Donn
Managing Director and Co-Head of Debt Advisory, Sydney
Louise Donn
Managing Director and Co-Head of Debt Advisory, Sydney
Louise is Managing Director and Co-Head of Debt Advisory.
Louise has 18 years' experience developing and executing complex debt financing solutions for corporate and private equity clients across a wide range of industries. She has led transactions in Australia, New Zealand and Europe for investment grade and high yield borrowers and has a deep understanding of the full spectrum of domestic and international funding markets including the global bank market, asset based loan market and capital markets including AMTN, EMTN, US 144A, US Private Placement and hybrids.
Louise has completed significant debt advisory mandates for clients such as Dexus, GIC, Kelsian, Ampol, Stockland, Invocare, HT&E, ALE Property, Macquarie Infrastructure and Real Assets, LOGOS Property, AVID Property Group, NZME, Macquarie University, The University of New South Wales, Navitas, Cardno, Billabong, Fairfax, Whitehaven, Ausdrill and Kelly Partners.
Prior to joining Gresham in 2021, Louise spent 10 years at Grant Samuel where she was a Managing Director in their Capital Advisory team based in Sydney. Prior to joining Grant Samuel, Louise worked for 7 years at Rothschild in London, where she joined their Debt Advisory team as a graduate.
Louise holds a BSc Economics from The University of Nottingham and is a graduate of the Australian Institute of Company Directors.
+61 2 9224 0210
Aurora Place
Level 25
88 Phillip Street
Sydney NSW 2000 Australia
Ami Simon and Mike Burley manage a specialist team with expertise in property financing, investment structuring and wholesale investor funds management across the full range of property sectors.
Ami Simon
Managing Director and Co-Head of Gresham Property, Sydney
+61 2 9224 0210
Aurora Place
Level 25
88 Phillip Street
Sydney NSW 2000 Australia
Ami Simon
Managing Director and Co-Head of Gresham Property, Sydney
Ami joined Gresham Property Funds Management in 2010 as Joint Managing Director and a member of the Gresham Property’s Investment Committee.
Prior to joining Gresham, Ami worked at Macquarie Bank for 12 years in various roles in the property business, with his last 5 years as an Executive Director.
Ami draws on his broad experience to manage Gresham Property's managed funds and Advisory business. This experience includes establishing stand alone project finance; setting and arranging debt syndicates; debt structuring and distribution; capital raising advice; senior, mezzanine and equity financing arrangements for property developments and existing assets.
At Macquarie, Ami was also instrumental in the growth of its Real Estate lending platform including the establishment of its US and UK businesses which focused on the provision of Unitranche Property debt and where his role included the structuring assessment and approval of the loans made.
Ami’s experience transcends the entire life cycle for varying projects, from design and conception, establishing a financing plan, negotiation, structuring of documentation and execution, being a member of the PCG/board of investee companies, to completion and disposal of projects.
Ami holds a Bachelor of Commerce (Marketing) / Bachelor of Laws and a Masters of Commerce (Finance) from the University of NSW.
+61 2 9224 0210
Aurora Place
Level 25
88 Phillip Street
Sydney NSW 2000 Australia
Mike Burley
Managing Director and Co-Head of Gresham Property, Sydney
+61 2 9224 0210
Aurora Place
Level 25
88 Phillip Street
Sydney NSW 2000 Australia
Mike Burley
Managing Director and Co-Head of Gresham Property, Sydney
Mike joined Gresham Property Funds Management in 2004 as Joint Managing Director.
Prior to joining Gresham Mike was Director, Structured & Property Finance at Bankwest – this group carried a loan book of over $3.5b of committed facilities in the real estate, private equity and infrastructure sectors. Before that he had roles as Principal responsible for Real Estate Capital Markets within Ernst & Young’s Estate & Hospitality Services Group - advising clients on capital raisings and funding structures and as Chief Executive of Lend Lease Project Finance – with a wide spectrum of responsibilities including development of off balance sheet funding structures for Lend Lease and its development partners.
Mike is responsible for the groups management of funds raised from institutional and wholesale investors. GPFM is a specialist fund manager focused on value added management of institutional capital invested as debt secured against property assets. Since 2002, GPFM has managed four property mezzanine debt funds and, since 2017, four senior debt funds providing finance to both property owners and property developers.
Mike has a breadth of financing experience across property, project, infrastructure and structured finance, and has worked on 'all sides of the table' - at different times procuring, structuring, arranging and providing funding. He has developed and placed new securitisation products, raised capital for new funds and advised on the design and implementation of off-balance sheet structures for listed companies.
Mike holds a Bachelor of Economics and Bachelor of Laws from the University of Sydney.
+61 2 9224 0210
Aurora Place
Level 25
88 Phillip Street
Sydney NSW 2000 Australia
Capital Partners
Moritz von Hauenschild leads a team seeking to make investments into Australian and New Zealand based companies with enterprise values typically ranging between A$20m and A$200m.
Moritz von Hauenschild
Managing Director and Head of Gresham Capital Partners
Moritz von Hauenschild
Managing Director and Head of Gresham Capital Partners
Moritz leads Gresham Capital Partners.
Moritz was previously a Partner for almost 10 years at BC Partners – a leading international large cap private equity firm – based in London. He also spent 2 years at Macquarie Principal Finance where he was a Senior Managing Director focusing on private, growth and structured equity investments as well as debt capital solutions.
In his career as an investment professional, Moritz led transactions with a cumulative value of A$15.8bn, deploying ca. A$3.8bn in equity and returning over A$10.7bn delivering an average of 3.0x MoM and 41% IRR to investors through a range of exit formats including to trade, secondary and via initial public offering (IPO). He has held board directorships in a wide range of public and private companies (Suddenlink Communications, Com Hem, UnityMedia, XYZ Networks, Nickelodeon, BCI Media Group, etc.) which in aggregate employed over 10,000 people. He is currently the Chairman of Advanced Cosmeceuticals and T.C. Boxes.
Moritz also spent over 7 years in the corporate world where his last role was Chief Commercial Officer for Foxtel, responsible for 7 divisions, over 800 staff and a $1.8bn P&L. He started his career at Goldman Sachs M&A in Brazil and the U.S. and spending 5 years at The Boston Consulting Group (BCG) working in Germany, USA, Brazil and Australia.
Moritz holds an MBA and a graduate degree from the University of St. Gallen, Switzerland (Europe’s leading business school). He was born in Brazil and speaks English, Portuguese, German, Spanish and French.
Aurora Place
Level 25
88 Phillip Street
Sydney NSW 2000 Australia
Distribution Partners
The Distribution Partners business led by Will Stephens provides capital raising representation and related services to both Australian and international funds management businesses.
William Stephens
Managing Director – Head of Gresham Distribution Partners, Sydney
William Stephens
Managing Director – Head of Gresham Distribution Partners, Sydney
Will joined Gresham in 2020 and is responsible for the strategic direction and management of the Gresham Distribution Partners business.
He is primarily focused on the origination of new funds management capital raising mandates (both international and domestic), new boutique funds management business incubation opportunities and leading the capital raising activities across the Australian and New Zealand investor and asset consultant communities.
Whilst at Gresham, Will has led the new manager origination, structuring and capital raising of various Australia Feeder Fund products for leading global funds management groups including Greenspring Associates, StepStone, Blackstone and Antin Infrastructure Partners.
Will has over 18 years' finance and funds management experience having worked in both Sydney and London in both Funds investment and Funds sell-side roles and has compiled an extensive senior level institutional capital raising experience across most asset classes (with an emphasis on alternatives).
Will has successfully led various capital raising assignments for both large-scale institutional fund managers as well as newer funds management boutiques across various jurisdictions including Australia, New Zealand, the United Kingdom, mainland Europe & the Nordic markets.
Prior to joining Gresham, Will was a Distribution Director and the Head of Institutional and Family Office at Channel Capital, a leading Australian house of boutique funds management business which represents global and domestic funds management businesses (approx. A$35b in client assets serviced as at March 2024).
At Channel Capital, Will was involved with the origination of new funds management business clients and successfully led various institutional (including dialogue with asset consultants) & family office capital raising campaigns across Channel’s global and domestic fund manager line-up, which included fixed income, private debt, global renewable infrastructure, agriculture, and alternative equities strategies.
Prior to this, Will was a Business Development Director at Queensland Investment Corporation (QIC) (approx. A$100 billion in Funds Under Management as at March 2024) where he was responsible for business development activities across QIC’s full range of funds and investment capabilities (i.e. fixed income, global multi-asset, infrastructure, private equity and real estate) covering institutional clients and asset consultants across both Australia and New Zealand.
Will has built an extensive range of key relationships with many of Australia and New Zealand’s leading institutional, family office, private wealth investors and asset consultants.
Will is a member of the Gresham Distribution Partners Investment Committee.
Will has a combined Commerce & Law Degree from Bond University in Queensland (2003), a Graduate Diploma in Legal Training from the NSW College of Law (2004) and was admitted as a Solicitor to the Supreme Court of New Wales (2005). Will also holds the Level 3 Certificate in Investments (Investment Management) from the Chartered Institute for Securities & Investment (the CISI) in London (2010).